dsc01713 1 2 ‣ Лікарі ‣ Бойко Микола ‣ Diavita Institute🏛️
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dsc01713 1 2 ‣ Лікарі ‣ Бойко Микола ‣ Diavita Institute🏛️
Boyko Mykola Ivanovich
Медичний символ
Work experience: 30 years
  1. Preoperative consultation of patients
  2. Carrying out various types of anesthesia:
    • local anesthesia
    • spinal anesthesia
    • sedation
    • intravenous anesthesia
    • general anesthesia
  3. Conducting intensive therapy in various critical conditions
  4. Carrying out respiratory therapy and respiratory support
  5. Diagnosis and treatment of patients with acute cerebral stroke and traumatic brain injury
  6. Support during the transportation of patients in severe and critical conditions by various types of transport
  • M. Gorky Donetsk State Medical Institute
  • Ukrainian Military Medical Academy
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