dsc02144 2 ‣ Лікарі ‣ Куцин Антон ‣ Diavita Institute🏛️
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Vascular surgery
dsc02144 2 ‣ Лікарі ‣ Куцин Антон ‣ Diavita Institute🏛️
Kutsyn Anton Mykolayovych
Медичний символ
Work experience 15 years
  1. Atherosclerosis of neck arteries
  2. Atherosclerosis of the arteries of the extremities
  3. Arterial thrombosis
  4. Aortic aneurysm
  5. Aneurysm of peripheral arteries (iliac, femoral, popliteal, axillary and others)
  6. Varicose veins
  7. Abdominal ischemia
  8. Thrombophlebitis
  9. Venous thrombosis
  10. Ultrasound diagnostics
  11. Conservative therapy
  12. Operative treatment
  13. Management of patients after surgery
  14. Micro- and angiopathy of the vessels of the limbs
  15. Diabetic foot
Scientific and practical outlook:
  • Member of the Association of Vascular Surgeons of Ukraine
  • Member of the European Association of Vascular Surgeons
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