Лікар гінеколог Діавіта Інститут Соболева С.І.
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Obstetrics and gynecology
Лікар гінеколог Діавіта Інститут Соболева С.І.
Soboleva Svitlana Igorivna
Медичний символ
PhD /Candidate of Medical Sciences/
Highest qualification category
Медичний символ
Experience 23 years
  1. Gynecological endocrinology:
    • diagnosis and treatment of infertility;
    • diagnosis and treatment of miscarriage;
    • violation of the menstrual cycle.
  2. Pregnancy planning and support
  3. Pathology of the cervix:
    • diagnosis, conservative and surgical treatment.
  4. Treatment of pelvic inflammatory processes
Scientific and practical outlook:
  • Chief freelance specialist in family planning of the Kyiv region
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