Лікар гінеколог Діавіта Інститут Стаселович Л.Ю.
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Obstetrics and gynecology
Лікар гінеколог Діавіта Інститут Стаселович Л.Ю.
Staselovych Larysa Yuriivna
Медичний символ
PhD /Candidate of Medical Sciences/
Highest qualification category
Медичний символ
Experience 24 years
  1. Gynecological endocrinology:
    • menstrual cycle disturbancies,
    • diagnosis and treatment of infertility,
    • menopausal disorders.
  2. Pathology of the cervix:
    • diagnosis, conservative and surgical treatment.
  3. Pathology of the endometrium:
    • polyps,
    • hyperplasia
  4. Uterine fibroids of different locations and sizes
  5. Endometriosis
  6. Selection of a method of contraception
  7. Inflammatory diseases of female genital organs
  8. Aesthetic gynecology:
    • perineoplasty,
    • labiaplasty,
    • vaginoplasty
  9. Minimally invasive surgery:
    • diagnostic and therapeutic hysteroscopy,
    • laparoscopy in the treatment of benign ovarian neoplasms, fallopian tube pathology
  • Kharkiv State Medical University
Scientific and practical outlook:
  • Assistant Professor of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology #1 at Shupyk National Healthcare University of Ukraine
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