Лабіопластика в Києві - Діавіта Інститут
Гінекологія лого
Intimate contouring plastic surgery
Intimate injections

Correction of the shape, size and age-related changes of the vulva (female external genitalia) is possible through the administration of special substances, such as fillers or plasma. This method - intimate contour plastic of the labia - gives results without anesthesia, incisions and long-term rehabilitation.

Do you want to form the external genitalia with a more attractive look or eliminate age-related signs? Injections with fillers based on hyaluronic acid will help with this. Do you want to improve the quality, emotional coloring and expressiveness of sexual life sensations? Intimate filling is self-confidence and improving the quality of sexual life. Intimate injections will help eliminate dryness and atrophy of the vaginal mucosa by activating cell regeneration, collagen synthesis, and attracting intercellular fluid.

  • Correction of external genital defects

Correction of the labia majora asymmetry, their insufficient volume, with atrophic changes (decreased skin tone)

  • Elimination of discomfort and biorevitalization of labia

If you are concerned about dryness of the mucous membrane, itching, discomfort or pain during intercourse, postpartum or post-traumatic scars, atrophy of the vaginal mucosa

  • Improving the quality of sexual life

Injections into the erogenous zones of the front wall of the vagina (G-shot, O-Shot), restoration of elasticity and narrowing of the vaginal canal after childbirth or due to age changes.

  • Comfortable

Painless method of correction and intimate rejuvenation. The injectable substances are aimed at rejuvenating the skin, improving the appearance of the labia, correcting the size and shape, restoring lost sensations

  • Safely

Hypoallergenic preparations based on hyaluronic acid are used. Hyaluronic acid is a natural component found in the skin and mucous membranes. It is completely safe and is removed from the body naturally within 12-18 months

  • Naturalness, moisturizing of the mucous membrane, accelerated metabolism in tissues

Fillers fill the labia with volume, eliminate discomfort and age-related changes, increase the elasticity of the skin and mucous membrane, and provide aesthetic appeal. Sensations during sex become more intense and saturated. Improvement and diversity of sexual life, new sensations

  • Speed and efficiency

The procedure takes an hour or less and is performed under local anesthesia

  • Dissatisfaction with appearance

Desire to adjust the shape and size of the labia

  • Age-related changes in the skin and mucous membranes

Loss of tone and elasticity

  • Absence or insufficient expressiveness of orgasm

Decreased sensitivity due to insufficient stimulation of nerve endings, signs of vaginal dryness, decreased libido

  • Aesthetic flaws

Asymmetry of the labia majora, lack of volume


The procedure begins with a consultation of expert gynecologist. The doctor determines the wishes of the patient, makes sure that there are no contraindications to injections. At the consultation, the substance, such as filler or plasma, and its required volume are determined individually. Injections are a minimally invasive procedure. It is performed under local anesthesia (analgesic cream or gel). During the session, the patient does not feel pain or discomfort. The procedure itself takes no more than 30 minutes. The doctor makes injections with filler or plasma substances. Hyaluronic acid in gynecology increases the volume at the injection site, restores the lost skin tone and elasticity of the vulva, if necessary, the vaginal canal narrows, the area of the genitals becomes more aesthetically attractive.


Duration of the procedure

Intimate contour plastic surgery is a “lunch break procedure”, i.e. its duration usually does not exceed 60-90 minutes


More information about labiaplasty, vaginoplasty, intimate surgery

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    This is a non-surgical injection procedure aimed at increasing sexual arousal during intercourse and rejuvenation. Usually, the result of the procedure can be more expressive and longer orgasms, a greater amount of natural hydration and increased sexual arousal.

    Most women notice increased vaginal sensations within the first three to seven days. After three months, the effect of the O-shot reaches its peak development, and usually lasts about a year.

    As such, rehabilitation after injections is not required. It is recommended to refrain from intimate contact for several days. It is also better to avoid visiting the sauna and swimming pool. The result will be noticeable immediately after the procedure, but it will be possible to evaluate it finally after 7-10 days. The effect of the injection is maintained individually for 6-18 months, after which the injections can be repeated. Hyaluronic acid is completely safe and is excreted from the body naturally.

    The cost of intimate injections
    O-shot (a complete set of the "orgasm shot" procedure)
    7200 грн
    G-shot (augmentation of the G spot, Neauvia 1ml)
    9800 грн
    Контурна пластика - інтимний філінг (пластичне моделювання вульви) (без вартості препарату)
    UAH 6700
    Лікування гіперпігментації інтимних зон (пілінг інтимний PINK Intimate)
    3800 грн
    Лікування гіперпігментації інтимних зон - (інтимний пілінг та засоби для домашнього догляду)
    25000 грн
    естетика рецепції Діавіта Інститут
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