плазмаферез - еферентна терапія в Діавіта Інститут
Efferent therapy
Efferent therapy is a modern method of treatment aimed at cleansing the body of toxins and harmful substances by removing them from the human bloodstream

In the variety of changes, beauty remains eternal.

The first sign of beauty is health, a healthy body, beautiful skin, beautiful hair. Physical beauty begins from within. Therefore, the first step on this path is recommended to be "detox" - cleansing the body of harmful substances and metabolic products. Efferent (from Latin efferens — remove) therapy is a set of methods for removing toxic substances from the body, including toxins of exogenous and endogenous origin, foreign proteins, aggressive enzymes.

Diavita Institute offers expert efferent therapy using two techniques: plasmapheresis and infusion therapy.

 Мембранний (фільтраційний) плазмаферез – це процедура  фільтрації крові, що забезпечує високу якість очищення крові. При цьому найдосконалішим видом плазмаферезу є поєднання в одному апараті переваг центрифужної обертової та мембранної фільтраційної технології, а також використання повністю закритого одноразового комплекту витратних матеріалів.

Кров з кровоносного русла через стерильну систему магістралей за допомогою апарату забирається в мембранний фільтр, що швидко обертається, де відбувається розділення крові на плазму та елементи крові. Живі та непошкоджені еритроцити, лейкоцити та тромбоцити повертаються пацієнту разом із призначеною плазмозамінною рідиною. В результаті фільтрації плазма з циркулюючими в ній аутоантитілами, токсинами, які зв’язані з білками плазми крові (шкідливими речовинами) видаляється, відбувається детоксикація організму. Плазмаферез дозволяє досягти швидкого ефекту в лікування псоріазу та інших хвороб та станів.

During plasmapheresis, allergens, autoantibodies and immune complexes in allergies and autoimmune diseases, free radicals and abnormal cells that provoke the growth of tumors are removed.

Plasmapheresis is indicated:

  • Allergic conditions (hives, allergic dermatitis)
  • Skin diseases (psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, etc.)
  • Chronic intoxication
  • Diseases of the nervous system (myasthenia, Guillain-Barré syndrome, chronic demyelinating polyneuropathy, multiple sclerosis, etc.)
  • Kidney disease (glomerulonephritis, transplant rejection)
  • Blood diseases (multiple myeloma, thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura)
  • Autoimmune diseases (systemic vasculitis, systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, etc.)
  • Other conditions: toxicoses, Rhesus conflict, some conditions of urogenital infections, and all other situations when it is necessary to quickly remove harmful substances from the blood.

Протипокази для плазмаферезу визначає лікар (це може бути гостре інфекційне захворювання, гіпопротеїнеімія, нещодавно перенесені інсульт та інфаркт тощо). Процедура плазмаферезу в Diavita Institute проводиться після консультації, на якій лікар спеціаліст з еферентних методик лікування проводить обстеження пацієнта та визначає його індивідуальні потреби та показання до проведення проц.

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Infusion therapy (IV therapy) consists in the introduction of useful substances directly into the blood through a vein (intravenously). This method allows you to quickly and efficiently supply the necessary components of the body.

Infusion therapy is a well-known trend for maintaining the health and beauty of people who take care of themselves. Detox, vitamin or "rejuvenating drippers", "beauty drippers" are the introduction of vitamins, minerals and other useful substances directly into the bloodstream. The procedure of IV therapy allows to provide the body with the nutrients necessary for its optimal functioning. Individual selection of drugs specifically for your body, aimed at solving a specific problem (for example, "Slimming"), and then filling organs and tissues with vitamins ("Energy", "Shine" droppers, etc.).

Advantages the use of IV therapy (intravenous drips) compared to vitamins and supplements in pill form:

  • The different effectiveness of the same nutrient, which enters the body by different methods, is due to the difference in the method of their assimilation. Absorption of useful substances through the gastrointestinal tract occurs partially, while intravenous administration allows them to be delivered to the body in the same amount as contained in the drug, without loss.
  • Due to the introduction of the required cocktail in the required amount, one dropper is equivalent to a minimum weekly intake of a similar vitamin-mineral complex.
  • Another significant advantage is that the injected intravenous drug immediately enters the bloodstream, which means that the substance is activated instantly, acting directly on the target cells and tissues.
  • In addition, due to the maintenance of the concentration of substances in the blood during 10-12 droppers, the treatment effect lasts much longer than when using a similar drug in the form of pills.

IV therapy may be helpful for those seeking to improve their overall health, boost immunity and reduce stress. It can help in the treatment of various diseases, recovery after surgery or intense physical activity. Detox therapy, or a full course of detox drips - our experts will select for you exactly the type of course that will solve your problems as much as possible and help you restore the feeling of health, beauty, and youth as soon as possible!

It is important that IV therapy is prescribed after a consultation, during which the doctor examines the patient and determines his individual needs and the composition of substances necessary for the procedure.

At Diavita Institute, we use advanced technologies and innovative techniques of efferent therapy to ensure the highest effectiveness of treatment. Our expert doctors use an individual approach to each patient to ensure optimal results.


We adhere to the highest standards of quality and safety to ensure reliable efferent therapy results for each patient. At Diavita Institute, you get comfort and convenience of planning, no queues and a good mood during the day.

Гемодіаліз лого

Modern technologies and equipment

Плазмаферез на найдосконалішому апараті Aurora (Німечина), що має унікальну технологію обертової мембрани, визначає ефективність процедури. Система датчиків забезпечує найвищий рівень безпеки та комфорту процедури, а також терапевтичний ефект від плазмаферезу, який зазвичай відчутний вже одразу після першої процедури.

A comprehensive approach to your comfort and convenience 

Complete comfort during efferent procedures and strict confidentiality

Терапія лого

Individual therapy plan 

A comprehensive approach to the aesthetics of health and longevity of the human body, examination and therapy plan performed by experienced doctors with many years of academic and practical experience

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    Yes, at Diavita Institute we use only safe and proven methods and equipment for plasmapheresis and infusions, which allow us to effectively cleanse the body of toxins and improve health. During the procedures, the patient is under the supervision of a specialist, the patient's condition is monitored. 

    The duration of the procedures may vary depending on the type and purpose of the therapy. Usually, one procedure lasts up to two hours. On the day of the procedure, you can eat and drink. After the procedure, you will be under observation for a short time, after which you can return to your usual activities. Some IV therapy procedures can even be performed in the way of "lunch break procedures".

    You can feel the effect of efferent therapy immediately after the procedure in the form of an increase in general tone and an influx of energy. The number of IV therapy procedures and the volume of removed plasma depend on your state of health. The doctor forms a treatment program (number of procedures, frequency of sessions, volume of removed plasma, list of necessary examinations before treatment and during treatment). Usually, with infusion therapy, the minimum course to achieve a sustained significant effect consists of 5 procedures.

    Before carrying out efferent therapy procedures, our doctors conduct a detailed examination of the patient to rule out any contraindications.

    IV therapy is usually contraindicated in the following conditions:

    • pregnant women and those who are breastfeeding;
    • chronic kidney diseases;
    • tendency to allergic reactions.

    The course of IV therapy can include both mono-droppers (a certain vitamin or drug) and multi-component infusions - based on your state of health and your personal wishes.

    The composition of components is selected individually. 

    Actual prices
    Plasmapheresis - a procedure on the Aurora device (Germany)
    7900 UAH
    IV therapy, intravenous infusion (Detox, Grade I)
    UAH 2400
    IV therapy, intravenous infusion (Anti-age, Grade I)
    2200 UAH
    IV therapy, intravenous infusion (Anti-age, Grade II)
    3450 UAH
    естетика рецепції Діавіта Інститут
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