Nutrition during hemodialysis: features and tips
Hemodialysis is a procedure that replaces lost kidney function in people with kidney failure. Quality nutrition on hemodialysis can significantly improve the quality of life of patients and their overall health.
Peculiarities of nutrition during hemodialysis
Nutrition in people undergoing hemodialysis should be carefully planned and controlled. Patients with kidney failure should follow a special diet that will help avoid the development of complications and improve the effectiveness of treatment. It is important to consider the following aspects:
- Fluid restriction: Controlling fluid intake helps prevent unwanted water retention in the body, which can cause swelling and increased blood pressure.
- Control of phosphorus and potassium: consumption of foods high in phosphorus and potassium can be limited, as their excess provokes the development of hyperkalemia, which is a life-threatening condition, and the development of phosphorus-calcium disorders.
- Protein in the diet: protein is necessary for maintaining health, but its amount should be balanced and individually selected for each patient.
Tips for nutrition on hemodialysis
To ensure that your diet is not only healthy, but also varied and tasty, nephrologists Diavita Institute recommends the following tips:
- Choose fresh fruits and vegetables instead of canned. Special attention is paid to those that contain less potassium.
- Include whole grains in your diet to support gut health and better weight control. - remove this advice altogether.
- Choose foods that are steamed or baked instead of fried.
- Avoid foods high in salt and sugar, as they can contribute to high blood pressure and other complications.
Products recommended for hemodialysis nutrition
When making a diet, you should avoid foods rich in phosphorus and potassium, and include those that will support an optimal balance of nutrients:
- Vegetables and fruits: Choose those that contain less potassium, such as apples, blueberries, tangerines, cabbage and cucumbers.
- Meat and protein products: lean meat, fish, eggs and hard cheeses with low phosphorus content.
- Cereals: rice, pasta, white bread and other products with low phosphorus content.
- Fluids: strictly control the amount of fluid consumed, including water, tea and juices.
Adequate nutrition is the key to improving the quality of life on hemodialysis. Taking into account these tips will help to maintain health and reduce the risk of developing complications related to kidney failure. It is important to always consult a nutritionist or doctor so that your kidney failure diet is properly tailored to your health condition.
These are general recommendations, and they can be adapted to the individual needs of each patient on hemodialysis in Kyiv.