Інтимна хірургія в Києві - Діавіта Інститут
Гінекологія в Діавіта Інститут
Radiosurgical treatment of the cervix
Radiowave surgery of the cervix and intimate zone

High-frequency (4 MHz) radio wave surgical treatment allows to cure a number of gynecological pathologies without classical surgical intervention: cervical dysplasia, condylomas, polyps, cysts and others. In addition, it is also possible to perform a diagnostic biopsy of the cervix as atraumatically and carefully as possible - to determine the optimal tactics of further treatment.

Neoplasms of the intimate area require a mandatory examination by a gynecologist and removal with histological examination if indicated. New unsusual growths appeared on the pubis, labia or in the perineum? Removal of neoplasms and treatment of cervical pathology using high-frequency (4 MHz) radiosurgery at the Diavita Institute is an effective solution to an intimate problem.

  • Timely treatment of gynecological diseases

Our doctors will effectively remove condylomas, polyps, papillomas using state-of-the-art equipment, perform a radio-wave biopsy of the cervix and cure cervical dysplasia, LSIL/HSIL and other diseases using LEEP, LLETZ methods

  • Exclusion of malignant diseases

It is important to perform radio wave biopsy of the cervix in time and RF treatment of pathological conditions of the cervix, removal by high-frequency excision of papillomas and condylomas, which can lead to the development of malignant diseases

  • Elimination of discomfort and painful sensations

Radiosurgery will help to avoid itching and pain after intercourse, as well as discomfort in everyday life

  • Elimination of pathological secretions

Due to the removal of neoplasms and treatment of the cervix by the method of radio wave surgery, bleeding and abnormal discharge will disappear

  • Psychological comfort

Timely removal of neoplasms and ensuring the health of the cervix can reduce the level of stress in patients

  • Restoration of reproductive health

Effective removal of neoplasms and treatment of precancerous conditions of the cervix may be necessary to restore reproductive health, especially if such conditions interfere with the normal process of conception or maintenance of pregnancy

  • Diseases of the cervix

background and precancerous conditions

  • Papillomas and warts

local epithelial growths on the skin or mucous membranes

  • Condyloma

warts that are located in the anogenital area

  • Cysts and polyps

of some localizations, scars and adhesional deformations

  • Plastic surgery in the intimate area

Atraumatic incision of tissues

  • Coagulation of bleeding vessels

stopping minor bleeding

Important to know

Before starting hardware high-frequency surgical treatment, it is necessary to visit a personal appointment with a gynecologist, where the doctor collects an anamnesis and conducts an examination. Based on the received information, the gynecologist prescribes diagnostic examinations and tests, provides an advisory opinion. RF-treatment at the Diavita Institute is performed only by doctor's prescription. There should be no contraindications for the procedures. Before radiosurgical treatment, it is usually necessary to stop using vaginal drugs and douching three days in advance, and pause sexual life in one day. It is also necessary to stop taking blood-thinning drugs a day before the procedure. Radiosurgical treatment of the cervix (cervical biopsy, excision, conization (the so-called "cervical cone"), removal of papillomas and condylomas is practically painless. If necessary, local anesthesia and sedation are used (to create a state of drowsiness or light anesthesia).

Час чекапу в Діавіта Інститут

Duration of the procedure

Radiosurgical treatment of the cervix and intimate area is an outpatient procedure that usually lasts less than an hour, and thanks to minimal tissue trauma, it allows a quick return to daily activities

Важлива інформація в Діавіта Інститут

More information about gynecology with comfort and other services

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    The cost of radio wave surgery
    Radiowave coagulation of the cervix
    UAH 2400
    Radiofrequency biopsy / excision of the cervix (without the cost of PGD)
    3100 UAH
    Radiosurgical conization of the cervix (excluding the cost of pathohistology)
    UAH 6200
    Radiowave removal of condylomas of the vulva (without the cost of PGD)
    2200 UAH
    Естетика рецепції Діавіта Інститут
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